With wisdom a house is built and with prudence is strengthened (King Solomon 1015-928 BC).

Solve your doubts !!!, Do you want to know more about amulets, esotericism, magic, … ?, What is the difference between an Amulet and a Talisman? and Who was King Solomon ?, What is a DZI? and Want to know more about Jade and Chinese amulets?

With that phrase attributed to King Solomon we like to start the title of this first page of the blog; we want to know more, and use that wisdom wisely in our words.

Let’s start by thanking everyone who is reading this blog of Amulets Shop your time dedicated to it, we will be pleased to have you to ask and provide information and different points of view on everything related to amulets, talismans, evil eye witchcraft, enchantments and spells, tarot, zodiac, Feng Shui and other tools and means for our life to flow to our desires and we can all learn more about this and this can be a place to find wisdom and experiences.

The human being, from the beginning of time, is curious, for good or for bad, has doubts, worries, desires, love and hate. All this leads us to seek explanations for the inexplicable, solution to our problems of Love, Health or Money, we create and we go to means less scientific, but not for that less effective transmitted from generation to generation.

Welcome to our Amulets Shop blog, from a site full of healing energy, a land chakra and a center of attraction for thousands of pilgrims from around the world for centuries, regardless of their religious beliefs; Santiago de Compostela and its Cathedral.

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